Call For Papers
Technical Program
The technical program committee invites the submission of high quality, unpublished technical papers in (but not limited to) the following list of topics:
1. Antennas, Microwaves and Radiowave Propagation
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
3. Cloud Computing
4. Data Science
5. E-learning
6. Electronics for Telecommunications
7. Electronics and Power Systems for Telecommunications
8. Indoor and Outdoor Localization
9. Information Security, Jamming and Interference Techniques
10. Materials and Devices
11. Mobile and Wireless Communications
12. Mobile Computing
13. Multimedia Computing, Technologies and Applications
14. Networking
15. Optical Communications Systems
16. Photonics, Plasmonics, Electromagnetic Metamaterials
17. Quantum Effects in Information and Transmission
18. Sensors, Instrumentation, IoT and Applications
19. Serious Games, Entertainment Computing and Applications
20. Interactive Computing and Graphics
21. Services and Applications
22. Signal Processing
23. Vehicular Communications and Drones
Submission of Papers
All contributions must be electronically submitted as 3/4-page full papers in PDF format according to the template provided in the instruction for authors. At least one of the authors of accepted papers is required to be registered by June 21st, 2019.
Call for Special Sessions and Tutorials
The proposals of Tutorials and Special Sessions (SS) should be sent to The proposal of Special Sessions should include the Title, identification of the team of organizers (name, their affiliation and contact details), aim (1-2 paragraphs – 200 words maximum), list of topics (enumerate a list of specific topics the SS would deal with), name of the topic(s) from ConfTele 2019 the SS fits in, and tentative titles (and author list) for at least five contributions to the Session. Proposals for Tutorials should include the title, identification of the speaker(s), abstract (1 page maximum), identification of the target audience, expectation for the number of participants, and duration (1/2 day full day).
Call for Interactive Session on Discussion of Published Papers
We encourage authors of already published papers to present their work at ConfTele 2019. These works are presented in an interactive poster session, given the opportunity to disseminate new research results and research advances recent published (2018 and 2019) in high quality Conferences or Q1-Q2 journals. The presentations are subject to space availability and approval by the Interactive Session Co-chairs. Submissions will include a title, author list (and affiliations), an abstract, and the complete reference to the published paper.
Important Dates
The deadline for interactive sessions contributions (only) is May 20th, 2019.
The Call for Papers (CFP) is available for download